Kids Classes

In Beginner class, students can choose their favourite dance style. We separate the classes according to the dance style. Mainly, we focus on foundations of specific dance styles, musicality, strength & free style is a must.
available dance styles:
- Waacking

We offer & organise variety of workshops & dance camps with both international choreographers & local choreographers . We produce dwM Editions once in every 3 to 5 months. We also invite & welcome dancers to share with us.
Class payments information:
(non- members)
walk in (single class) 10$ = 15000 mmk
first trail = 8000 mmk
(members) membership fees: 15000 mmk then get these special prices
1 class in a week (4 classes) = 35000 per month
2 classes in a week (8 classes) = 70000 per month
10 times card (valid 3 months) = 90000 mmk
15 times card (valid 4 months) = 130000 mmk
- (the difference between monthly payments & card payments, we count the date starting from the day you join & for card payments you can join any time within the valuation date, also you can ask for card extension when you are traveling or something happens.
we offer room rental services
for dancers, instructors, artists.
If you are looking for a working space...
if you are looking for a surprise events for your love ones...
If you are looking for private room to practice...
If you are looking for a place to give classes...
If you are looking for a place to shoot (interviews etc...)
If you are looking for a place to have a cooking class?
dwM is offering you space ....
If you are one of our member, you get special price.
If you are a student, we give you 10% off
If you rent within your birthday or birth-month, we give you 10% off
If you rent 2 hours, you get extra 1 hour free
So....... welcome to dwM.

Hire us for your events, shows or for awesome showcases
We can fulfil your wishes, needs with our talents.

We create for you, teach you & show you that
with the enthusiasm, everyone can dance.

Are you having contest, performance or party? Don't worry, we can give you dance lessons.

Which character do you want for your product, art ?

Events Management
We can organise for your events
& help to make your event wonderful.

Dance program
We offer dance program for international schools.

This is our main studio. up to 18- 20 people * non member fees * - 12000 per hour - rent 2 hours & get 1 hr free *member's fees* - 9000 per hour - rent 2 hours & get 1 hr free -students with ID card get 10% off -Birth Day with ID card get 10% off

This is our main studio. up to 18- 20 people * non member fees * - 12000 per hour - rent 2 hours & get 1 hr free *member's fees* - 9000 per hour - rent 2 hours & get 1 hr free -students with ID card get 10% off -Birth Day with ID card get 10% off

Describe your image

This is our main studio. up to 18- 20 people * non member fees * - 12000 per hour - rent 2 hours & get 1 hr free *member's fees* - 9000 per hour - rent 2 hours & get 1 hr free -students with ID card get 10% off -Birth Day with ID card get 10% off

Online Classes
"For those who cant make for regular classes because of their tight schedules, because they live far away, living in different place, no worry.... dwM offer online classes for you with affordable price"
"Our goal is to make you feel happily confident & convenient... for a better version of your lives"
Pre recorded or Live Classes
You can have anything you want ....